ucicalendar.com Format

You can use ucicalendar.com to quickly access the current calendar or one for a specific year.

When sending a link that might get referenced in the future, it’s recommended you specify the year. However, if you’re just linking to the calendar in general (and not referring to specific dates), specifying the year isn’t necessary!

Current / Next Calendar

https://ucicalendar.com/ redirects to the current calendar until transcripts are available for Spring quarter (~Jun 26). Afterwards, it redirects to next year’s calendar.

Current / Next Summer Calendar

https://ucicalendar.com/s redirects to the current summer calendar until transcripts are available for Summer Session II (~Sep 15). Afterwards, it redirects to next year’s summer calendar (if available).

Calendar (Specific Year)

https://ucicalendar.com/<year> redirects to the calendar that starts in the specified year. All years must be two digits long (e.g. 08, not 8).

Calendars from 2008 to 2023 are currently available.

For example, https://ucicalendar.com/20 always redirects to the 2020 - 2021 academic calendar.

Summer Calendar (Specific Year)

https://ucicalendar.com/s<year> redirects to the summer calendar that starts in the specified year.

Calendars from 2015 to 2022 are currently available.

For example, https://ucicalendar.com/s20 always redirects to the 2020 summer calendar.